Three updates !
What’s new
– New iPhone and iPad support
– Latest iOS improvements
– Minor improvements
– Compatibilité nouveaux iPhone et iPad
– Améliorations nouvelles versions iOS
– Améliorations mineures
iPhone apps and games
The first issue of the Werewolf Herad was published ten years ago! It was on the Werewolf Locator release 1.4.
Ten years later, 42 issues were published, including the Ghost and Vampire Herald.
I want to thank again all the writers who sent me all these great articles.
Our apps run smoothly on the new Apple Silicon Mac (MacBook Air M1, MacBook Pro M1, Mac mini M1)!
It’s fun to see the Werewolf Locator on a Mac.
A new release of our locators will finally be available this fall, with iPhone X, Xs, Xr, 11 and 11 Pro support.
[EDIT Oct 2019] The release is available !
It’s totally crazy and incredible for us, but our apps have been downloaded more than 1,000,000 times since the first Werewolf Locator in 2009, eight years ago.
Thank you for all your nice comments on the App Store !
Happy new year.