Apr 19 2013 Creatures update April 2013 April creatures update ! New : – Now detects earth and fire spirits (last month water and air) Nouveau : – Détecte maintenant les esprits de la terre et du feu (l’eau et l’air le mois dernier) Find them with Strange Creature Locator.
White Fang says 18 May 2013 at 01:24 Can you put on people who ARE werewolves? I would love to know if my friends are werewolves! Please answer, and do this! Thanks!!!
Aiyana Deay says 18 May 2013 at 01:31 I would die if I knew I was a werewolf! Can you make a creature that would detach people who are werewolves? I really want to know! Thank you!!
White Fang says
Can you put on people who ARE werewolves? I would love to know if my friends are werewolves! Please answer, and do this! Thanks!!!
Aiyana Deay says
I would die if I knew I was a werewolf! Can you make a creature that would detach people who are werewolves? I really want to know! Thank you!!