Vampire Locator 1.0 is available !
This locator is the result of many years of research on vampire detection. Its operation has become a reality thanks to the combination of modern technologies and an essential ingredient, a piece of vampire coffin. Each model therefore contains a genuine piece of wood, protected from deterioration in order for the locator to remain precise.
App Store : Vampire Locator – Détecteur de Vampires
Hello my name is krystal I would love to be turned into a vampire n live day by day knowing I wont die I skipped deaths many of times but I would like to become a vampire myself n live of animal blood
I would love to be turned into a vampire and always live day by day.
hey anyone can help all of use turn into one
can I write those who can turn me into a vampire, I’m beautiful and attractive;)
Can someone turn me?
im bored. lets email. maybe ill turn you. maybe i wont. lets see
Hejka! Jak jest jakiś chętny wampirek to mogę pozwolić by się na mnie pożywił albo poprostu można mnie porwać
Jak ktoś chce się na mnie pożywić lub porwać można pisać podobna nazwa na insta i snapie
I have alWaze wanted to be a vampire and with this app I can be but the vampires keep on like going the other direction so they come straight to me but then they leave and I really want to be a vampire so can someone turn into one
I’m your average teenager who would love to be a vampire. Prove to me that vampires are real by emailing me if you can turn me. 🙂
I feel like something is missing in life and I think turning into a vampire is the missing piece for most of us so if you can please turn us
Hi my name is Luna. I have always tried to hide my life but finding these comments shows that I should not be afriad. I am a vampire. I know that is hard to believe but I got bitten by one and ever since I feel more alive. If you would like to become one you have to meet one in real life and Stella is a good friend of mine. We can only have 5 vampires right now so she has to meet you and trust you to keep the secret. If you see this and want to become one comment after this.
Oh, and here are some REAL FACTS ABOUT VAMPIRES! Vampires do drink human blood and they do have the choice to kill or to turn humans. Vampires are not eternal people! All though they can live to about 153 years. Or at least that is the oldest vampire that I have met. Vampires cannot turn into bats or fly. However they can jump high and are stronger and faster. Some Special vampires can fly but it is rare. Vampires and werewolves do have a history together but we do have some encounters still. If you have any more questions then ask me.
If you want to talk private then put in this email on any email app.
The name was just a descise from the government.
Is it true I mean vampires r still alive..fyn it’s good to hear that they have some respect not every vampire is bad..and if they r bad or rude den it must be something wrong happened witdlh den..and so I would love to join den to heal there pain.this is the reason I want to become vampire
Well trust no one NO ONE!
I’ve always loved vampires and always dreamed of becoming one. Can some please change me?
I’ve been having pains in my neck and a slight headache. Can someone tell me what it means?
Hi, Luna. I promise I can keep the vampire secret. Will you please turn me? Please?!?! My school is at 2251 Timber Lane in Dayton, Ohio. Will you please come. I’m dying to become a vampire and I always have been.
Will this app the vampire locator app will be available on Android phone and how can I get it on the phone
Any vampire want to turn me I really want to become a vampire very bad email me if you vampire
Long ago all supernatural species lived in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Vampires attacked. Only the Hybrids, masters of all the supernaturals, could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished. A hundred years passed and my friends and I discovered an old supernatural, a hybrid named Claus. And although his hybrid skills are great he has a lot to kill before he can save anyone but I believe Claus can save the world.
So um, I’m looking for a vampire, to turn me, ive already done the reasurch and death doesn’t scare me, at least if I become a vampire the people that love me won’t necessarily need to lose me, and I can get back to whom I once was.
I wanna turn into one
So, I’ve been looking for a reliable app, and I feel this ones pretty cool 🙂
I’ve wanted to be turned, be a source of ‘donations’, or even just converse with a vampire for quite some time now-
If any of these points peak an interest for a vampire, or even just someone who wants to talk about vampires through email, here’s my email:
I’m usually always able to chat :>
helloiii, everyone i really don’t know much about vampires but i just want to be a vampire .
if anyone of u all is a vampire sooo pleaseeeeeeeeee come in India ,, i want to become a vampire.
i swear i will never ever disturb any humans i just want to live the life of the vampires and want to stunts like(sky diving without parasuit ,bunging jumping without the rope ,jump from the mountain) if any vampire is seeing this comment soo pleaseeee pleaseeeeee come in India.
i’m from uttar pradesh ,district name (Basti) first you justt come in Basti then reply on my comment i will tell you my house and let me tell you one secret i don’t sleep at night, whole night i just listen music you can come at night. for changing me.
thank youuu.
If any vampire is seeing this message so pleaseeee contact me!!
My instagram id is – Black_lover84233
plsss make me a vampire
Hey my name is Wojtek I’m looking for a vampire with whom I can make friends if I find one let him write to me on Instagram I’m looking for vampires from Poland etc my name on Ig is Wojtek.karbowiak
I’ve always dreamt of becoming a vampire, but never found the right person or vampire. I always thought that my last bf was a vampire bc he only came out ar night. Then when school started he always had this ring on, but he never took it off. Please comment if you think that he is a vampire. If so then I might go back to have him change me and then live for an eternity.
So, I’ve been looking for a reliable app, and I feel this ones pretty cool
I’ve wanted to be turned, be a source of ‘donations’, or even just converse with a vampire for quite some time now-
If any of these points peak an
Can u pls turn me